This page is an experiment in storing web-links longer term and to facilitate sharing.
- Bird’s Eye View Transformation - plotting front-facing camera images into ground surface textures
- footprints - a method for estimating visible and hidden traversable space from images
- CMU Graphics Lab Motion Capture Database - dataset of human motion capture
- WebGL BVH Viewer - database and viewer of human motion capture datasets
- Air Gradient - cost effective and open air quality meter kits
Documents & Reference
- So, You Want to Build a House More Efficiently - information on relative expenses when building homes
- Guerrilla guide to CNC machining - also includes sections on robotics and mold making
- Screw it, I’ll host it myself - one man’s journey to escaping Google and self-hosting
- Should I Get a House? - calculate whether your financial conditions are right for home ownership
- Which color scale to use when visualizing data - choosing colours when presenting data
- Internal Combustion Engine - amazing example of an informative & interactive website
- The Animal is tired - a touching reflection on how we treat our bodies
Learning & Knowledgebases
- Awesome Robotic Tooling - list of tooling for professional robotic development in C++ and Python
- Awesome - a massive collection of useful projects and information from many disciplines
- The Book of Secret Knowledge - a repository of cheetsheets and helpful resources
- Best Practices Around Production Ready Web Apps with Docker Compose
- Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet - cheatsheet of standard Python functions
- Functools - The Power of Higher-Order Functions in Python - really useful library to extend functions
- Threads in ROS and Python - good reference for how threads are used in ROS
News & Current Events
- Hackernews - technology news (where a lot of the content listed on this page was found)
- Wikipedia - Current events - non-sensationalised news from around the world
- Punkt MP02 - a minimalist dumb-phone with ability to call and message using the Signal protocol
- Mudita Pure - open-source, minimalist, e-ink, minimalist dumb-phone
- Librem 5 - open-source debian based smart-phone
- Fairphone - a repairable, android-based, smart-phone with access to spare parts.
- sent - Simple plaintext presentation tool
- Simple Analytics - a nice looking alternative to Google Analytics
- Youtube Downloader - site for downloading YouTube videos in a variety of formats (including MP3)
- Carbon - Create and share images of source code
- Coolors - Colour palette generator
- Dafont - Selection of fonts
- FreePick - High-quality photos, videos, vectors, PSD, AI images, icons…
- Noun Project - Icons and photos for everything
- Sorted Colors - a website for finding HTML colour names
- uiGradients - Colour gradient generator